The title of this series reference the painting “Excavation” by William DeKooning at the Art Institute of Chicago. These larger paintings include overlaid images that develop into dense pattern-field textures. Their scale and complexity invites the reading of associations and narrative implications.
Oil on canvas, 65 x73 inches, 2012
Oil on canvas, 65 x73 inches, 2012
Oil on canvas, 65 x73 inches, 2012
Oil on canvas, 59 x82 inches, 2016
Oil on canvas, 59 x82 inches, 2016
Oil on canvas, 59 x82 inches, 2016
Oil on canvas, 57 x74 inches, 2013
Oil on canvas, 57 x74 inches, 2013
Oil on canvas, 57 x74 inches, 2013
Oil on canvas, 45 x 49 inches, 2012
Reexcavation 5 (detail)
Reexcavation 6 (detail)
Oil on canvas, 50 x 70 inches, 2014
Oil on canvas, 50 x 70 inches, 2014
Oil on canvas, 50 x 70 inches, 2014
Oil on canvas, 55 x 69 inches, 2016
Oil on canvas, 55 x 69 inches, 2016
Oil on canvas, 55 x 69 inches, 2016
Oil on canvas, 43 x 52 inches, 2014
Oil on canvas, 43 x 52 inches, 2014
Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 51 inches, 2016
Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 51 inches, 2016
Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 51 inches, 2016
Reexcavation 12 (detail)
Reexcavation 13 (detail)
oil on canvas, 61 x 77 inches, 2021
Sumi Ink on Rice paper (commonly a grid calligraphy practice paper), all: 16 x 11 inches. Mounted individually, in groups, or as a full wall configuration.
Ink on rice paper
Residential exhibition (detail of wall 8 x 26 feet), each drawing 15 x 11 inches, 1993
Twelve monk head drawings mounted on canvas, 64 x 37 inches, compiled for San Francisco Zen Center Exhibition, 2000
Ink on glazed rice paper, 56 x 18 inches, Robischon Gallery, 2001
Mounted on panel, 62 x 46 inches, Peltz Gallery, 1998
Peltz Gallery, ink on roll rice paper, 60 x 84 inches, 1998
Monk Head drawings, Peltz Gallery, 1998
Ink on rice paper mounted on canvas, 24 x 19 inches, 1997
Ink on guest check slips mounted on canvas, 24 x 19 inches, 1997
Ink on rice paper mounted on panel, 31 x 25 inches, 1997
Three installations of Monk Head drawings, 2001
Three installations of Monk Head drawings, 2001
Monk Head drawings, ink on grid rice paper, 78 x 201 inches, Robischon Gallery, 2001
Monk Head drawings, ink on grid rice paper, 78 x 201 inches, Robischon Gallery, 2001
Monk Head drawings, ink on rice paper, 92 x 34 inches 2001
Ink on book pages, mounted on canvas, diptych, 64 x 102 inches, 1997
Ink on rice paper mounted on vinyl tablecloth and panel, 35 x 40 inches, 1997
Ink on rice paper mounted on canvas, 23 x 70 inches,
Monk Head drawings , ink on rice paper, 92 x 34 inches 2001
Ink on rice paper mounted on canvas, 20 x 25 inches, 1995
Ink on rice paper mounted on canvas, 22 x 26 inches, 1995
Ink on rice paper mounted on canvas, 22 x 26 inches, 1995
Sumi Ink and Watercolor on Guest Check papers, mounted on panel, 26 x 40 inches, 1996
Sumi Ink on Guest Check papers, mounted on canvas, 23 x 18 inches, 1996
busts (upper torso constructions) for assemblages that, though intending to be a head or face, evolve or devolve into a diverse collection of various objects and associations. Most approximately 20 x 20 x 10 inches on a base, approximating size of a classical bust, partially polychromed.
Paintings referencing, incorporating or implying some Buddhist iconography. Many larger works have pattern-field arrangements.
Between Two Cars, oil on canvas, 60 x 92 inches, 2001
Walking on the Dead, oil on canvas, 41 x 58 inches, 1996
Selection of smaller, current paintings that may imply a head, face, having various mixed or diffused elements, images, metaphors, narratives, , etc. emerging from a base or bust.
Small ceramic relief and Table sculptures, most polychromed in oil, some with mixed media added, some with a glaze or raku surface. Many carry the same face/head/hydra motif of the paintings and drawings.
Sumi ink on rice paper, outlined images overlaid. Some with the usual monk head or hydra-head motif as part of the overlaid imagery. The larger are 30 x 40 inches, and various smaller sizes. 1991 - 2017
Landscape inspired studies from April and May of 2017. All acrylic on canvas, 24 x 31 inches
A set of small (10 x 7 inches) drawings, simple pen and ink on paper, all involving a potential bust/head/face motif, often evolving or devolving into something other than a head. Some have multiple faces or reference of identity. Many have the monk robe in the bust, have narrative implication, or work with shape and line independent of such. Series has 140 drawings in the set as of early 2018.